Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quick New Year's Run post

I am running late late late today, but I just got back from my run and thought I'd dash off a quick update.

I'm over the ninja mask. It's about 20 degrees here, or who knows, the temperature is going to drop to like 8 tonight. It "feels like 5 degrees," so I decided it was mask time. It was appreciated during the warm-up walk, but totally messed up my breathing during my first 3-minute run, which then stupidly turned out to be my most difficult run. Dumb. I took it off and everything got so much better.

Today was like 100 million times better than the first day of week four. My legs are barely achy! It's totally amazing. Plus the five-minute runs were great! I even ran a couple seconds over on teh last one (then abruptly stopped, not wanting to push my luck). I'm left feeling really, really good on New Year's Eve, and dare I say I enjoyed the whole run and really looked forward to it during a stressful, time-crunched day.

I'm starting to feel like I CAN do a 5k eventually, and I can't think of a better way to start the new year. Happy New Year's, everyone!

Week 4, Day 1, Take ONE!

So, I faced my first real running hiccup today. First of all, my knee has been audibly clicking for the past two days, and slightly pained, but I didn't think much of it, so when I got out at noon today, I was psyched I'd make it to the gym before it closed! I was in a HUGE rush when I finally made it home, after a horribly long wait for the bus, that I changed into gym clothes, and ran the f out the door! I failed to notice my INSANE hunger during my quick change, but it hit me when it was too late to do anything about it.

 Ok, so please note: YOU SHOULD NEVER RUN WHILE STARVING, this led to a basic run fail. I did the first three minute run, with EASE, dare I say, and then it was all downhill from there. The walk recovery was fine, but I did about half the five minute run before feeling super light headed, and the pain in my knee had returned, so that pretty much did it. I did the second three minute run, but only about 90 seconds of the final five minute run. I definitely do not count today as a successful one, but I certainly did make the effort, and out of four weeks, I was bound to have an issue at some point!

So, I start the new year tonight with a sense of accomplishment and a desire to do better! So, cheers to you all!!! May 2010 bring us more success and inspiration!! Much love, and have a wonderful night!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Moving on to the Second Trimester!

Last night, I made a fantastic discovery at the gym, and it made all the difference during my run! I swtiched treadmills! There is one that is a bit off to the side from the others, and it gets a refreshing burst of cool air whenever someone opens the door, making it my new favorite indoor location.

So, last night I completed week three, and was astonished by how well I did. I was able to run the entire final three minute portion (in addition to all other running segments), and I never felt on the verge of death! I don't know if it was the cooler air or what, but I have not had the feeling of gasping for air at all during my past two workouts. I'm sure the fact that I still haven't had a cigarette is helping, but it feels like more than that, as though my body is actually getting used to exerting itself! Weird!!!

I am now even more terrified about starting week 4, however, after reading Amanda's post. I'm also not sure where I will be able to run, since there is a storm coming tomorrow, and the gym closes at 3. Perhaps I should buy a pair of Yay Trax for myself, since I don't have any. I do really enjoy running outside, but I have finally figured out the treadmill speeds I'm most comfortable with, so it's a good mix for me, doing two indoor runs and one outdoor run per week. Hopefully I'll get out early enough tomorrow, so that I can make the gym! It is New Year's Eve afterall!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Week Four: OUCH

Time to blog while icing my knee (that sounds like I'm frosting it!).

So, good news first. I can "run" for five straight minutes. By run, I mean jog at an exceptionally slow pace, but I still feel totally accomplished. I made it through both three minute runs and both five minute runs and it's only day one. I rule.

Bad news -- good god, the pain. During the running, after the running. It's like every week, a new location aches. Today, I was surprised by pain in my lower calves. I don't want to brag or anything, but even when I'm living my usual totally sedentary, fat-inducing lifestyle, I have crazy muscular calves. No one knows why; perhaps my mother stood in front of the microwave too often while pregnant with me. So this was a cruel blow; I never thought my trusty calves would betray me. And that pain began during, like, the end of the first of four running cycles. So that was good.

On the one hand, it's kind of nice that it is primarily my muscles and not my lungs that are begging me to stop. On the other, my thigh muscles sometimes ache when I press the gas pedal in the car, and this makes me feel like an old, uncoordinated lady.

My next run is planned for New Year's Eve. Wow, I can't wait to limp around in heels and a pretty dress that evening.

p.s. Just to keep you all updated on the weather, it was 23 degrees when I left to run, it's 18 now, and I did not wear my ninja mask so my face is kind of numb. Still snow and ice on the ground (til March/April, I imagine) so I used Yak Trax again.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

On the Bench :-(

Well, I made it through the first four workouts, which I suppose is more than zero. I was just starting to think of myself as a runner and was excited for how running could help me through some tough holiday times. Then my knee decided to feel like it was being banged into a dresser repeatedly, regardless of whether I was walking, sitting, or trying to sleep. After a week or so on the bench waiting for the pain to go away, I decided this was more than normal wear and tear and went to the doctor.

My doctor showed more concern than she typically does. Generally when I go to the doctor, I get pointed to an OTC drug and told to wait out whatever is bothering me enough to have made the appointment in the first place. However, this time I not only got a prescription painkiller to take in the evenings, but I also got sent for x-rays, which may be followed by an MRI. These tests will confirm or disprove the hypothesis that without falling or doing anything dramatic, I have managed to tear my meniscus. Here is a nice illustration of what may or may not be going on inside my knee:

So, I may need surgery and will almost certainly get some physical therapy, which I suppose will set me up nicely to start over with week 1 in 6 to 8 weeks or so. Just think of how many more hours of daylight we will have at that point! Ladies, feel free to repeat week 3 several times (like ten times?) until I'm back in the game. I'm on your journey in spirit and you remain my inspiration!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Finishing up Week Three

It pretty much snowed all morning and afternoon here. It paused during the early evening but of course right before I stepped out to run, it started coming down again. It was kind of pretty for my run, though.

The park was one giant mass of snow -- maybe 5 or so inches deep -- so I bypassed it. Running in untouched snow that deep is nearly like running in sand. I ran on the sidewalks in the little neighborhood across the park from me. I made it through both 3 minute runs and I definitely feel they have improved; I did not want to die. However, I'm still going at a pretty slow pace during them. I suppose that's fine; I mean my goal is not to win any races, just to make it through the equivalent of a 5k.

However, I think the slow running is putting strain on my left knee, which hurts during and after my runs right now. Well, it's either that or I have bad form in the snow -- which is entirely possible; I know that when I walk through the snow, I tend to have hip, leg and foot issues because my caution makes me walk in a kind of stilted manner.

So, the question is whether to repeat this week or try to move on to week 4. Honestly, reading week 4 right now, I kind of want to try it. I think I'll attempt it on Monday; if I fail horribly, I'll go back to this week. I don't need to do this in 9 weeks, I just need to eventually do this.

I wore my new shoes and they were pretty excellent, and seemingly waterproof, which is a nice change. My left foot hurt a bit by the end, near the arch, but it seems that I'm doing something bad to my whole left side.

One more thing on week three -- I truly enjoy that Rockefeller Skank, aka the song they do a choreographed dance to at Prom in She's All That, is on the podcast.

Lake Effects

Today I ran for the second time while visiting my Mom upstate NY for Christmas break. I had considered doing W3 D2 yesterday, but that just did not happen. I did manage to make myself go first thing today, it was actually MORNING, a first for me. My Mom hadn't gone on a walk for a while, so she said that she'd accompany me, so that was good motivation to get my butt out the door.

The weather this morning was rainy, but the second I got next to the lake, I was being pelted by ice. The ground was slushy and snowy, so I was wondering if I should use my Mom's Yak Trax to protect my brand new running shoes (I got them for Christmas, and they are excellent, btw). As I'm getting ready, my Mom asks, "Honey, would you like to use my YAY Trax?" I immediately burst out laughing, because my Mom is famous for her language mishaps, and this might be one of my faves! So, when I recovered from my hysterics, we set out for our gloomy weather workout.

We'd worked out a route that went along the lake, which I was sure would be lovely... man, I did not think that through. The lakeside portion of the run was FREEZING. Not only was it icing there, instead of raining, but it was SO WINDY and cold. I'd never faced such a head wind before! I have to say though, that like Amanda, I had to reduce my pace to run, and although I had the same thought that I could be walking faster, I was able to do it! The last three minute run, I think that I got through 2:30. I felt bad I'd gypped myself out of the last run, that I made it up at the beginning of the cool down. I'm going to see how I get through that second three minute run before I decide whether or not to repeat the week. I would not be ashamed to do so, but I did better than on Wednesday, so who knows? I am proud that I got myself to get two workouts in while on vacation, so perhaps the third workout this week will show even more improvement. We'll see I guess!

I hope that you all had a Merry Christmas!

Week Two, Run Two was a Ridiculous, Annoying Romp in Melting Snow

I did this run on Thursday, but you know, Christmas happened and I had no time to write about it.

So I set off for my second run of the week on Christmas Eve, prior to church and family stuff. It had snowed a bunch, then there had been freezing rain on Wednesday, creating ice, and on Thursday it was just raining. Thus, a lot of crap was melting, the three or so inches of snow had a crust of melting ice on top, and everything was a soggy mess.

I walked over to the park and attempted to run there, but nothing was shoveled and everything was under three inches of snow. Yak Trax work wonderfully on ice, but what can they do about snow that is about as deep as your feet? Nothing much. I crossed the street and switched to sidewalks, most of which were shoveled, some of which had a layer of ice. Perfect for my Yak Trax (which totally feel fine on bare concrete, I will reiterate).

I got across the street, still on my warm-up walk, and realized one of my Yak Trax was missing. So I had to pause the podcast and retrace my steps; luckily I found it back in the park. At this point I was majorly annoyed and briefly considered quitting and doing this run on Friday (Christmas Day) instead. I'd stepped in a couple of puddles as well and had wet feet; the snow was annoying me, and I was cranky. But I opted to stick it out.

The run was okay. I tried to avoid traffic lights and thus ran in really dumb circles around a few blocks. The slush made my run a bit more cautious and affected my pace; speaking of which, in an effort to make it all the way through the second three-minute run, I slowed my pace considerably. I made it through, but I was annoyed because I could have probably walked faster (I'm a speed walker) than I was "running." Regardless, I did it. But, like Boulos, I am seriously considering re-doing week 3 tomorrow. I just don't know if I am up for the next step yet. I'll do my run later today and weigh my options.

I got new, excellent running shoes for Christmas btw! I'm trying to decide whether or not to wear them today. You see, we just got another four or so inches of snow and it's still snowing. Do I want to toss my new shoes into the snow like this immediately?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Three minutes might as well be Three Hundred!

So, here I am, sitting in my Mom's house, way upstate NY, feeling the effects of my Week 3, Day 1 workout I did last night. After over five hours in a car, although I was greatful to finally stand up, the last thing I wanted to do was run, but I was motivated by the delicious dinner my Mom was preparing, so I sucked it up, and got to it.

Thankfully Mom still has the old family treadmill, but man, did I forget how flimsy it is compared to the monstrosities at the gym! First off, the speed was a bit tempermental and changed on its own, occasionally, which was VERY disconcerting! Secondly, my boyfriend was hanging out in the same room while I was doing this, which was not my ideal situation. Thankfully, he is very supportive, and didn't make fun of my attempts at running.

So, onto the new regime. I was really proud of myself to get through the first complete set of alternate 90 second and then three minute running, and walking intervals. My problem was round two. The second 90 seconds was actually ok, but once it came down to the last three minute run, I, like Amanda, thought I might die. I probably did about another 90 second run. I will see how this improves, and I even plan on completing a Christmas run tomorrow! We'll see how I do with the second attempt this week. If I have to repeat this week, so be it. For me, the fact that I'm attempting to run at all is enough to be proud of, so as long as I keep trying, I'll be happy.

I'm about to head to the mall with my Mom, brother, and boyfriend, for a bit of last minute shopping. My Mom is buying me running shoes for Christmas, so wish me luck, so that I can find a good pair!! Merry Christmas to you all, and remember, a couple of Christmas cookies will not ruin all that you've worked for, so enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day One of Week Three makes me want to die.

Today, we got about 2 to 3 inches of snow despite forecasts that said there would basically be no accumulation. Once again, the Yak Trax saved my life; it was snow packed on top of ice and I just ran right through it. Yay!

After finishing week 2 yesterday, I began week 3 today. This involved a 90 minute run, 90 minute walk, 3 minute run, 3 minute walk -- repeat cycle. The first 3 minute run was very difficult and my pace slowed substantially during it. Each time the chick was like, "time for your next run... ready?" after that, I was like, NO! And... I wasn't able to complete the entire second 3 minute run. I mean, I walked for like 20 seconds in the middle and I made up for it by running past stop time, but I just couldn't do it.

I'm not sure what this says about my ability to actually complete this thing. I mean, obviously my goal for Thursday (which is supposed to be rainy and about 38 -- um, sweet. I may actually die in an icy puddle now) is to make it through both 3 minute runs, and to do it more easily on Saturday. I'm terrified of next week (of course). This is scary, guys!

Also, I am avoiding two runs in a row at all costs. So far my muscles seem okay with this, but my knee was hurting during and after.

Oh, and dude who leered at me as I ran? Pretty sure that was a non-sexual thing, more of an amused "you're running in this snow?!?!" look, but that was rude anyways. Believe me, I feel awkward enough even putting on sweatpants and running shoes. And YES, I am aware that I have a giant head that sweatshirt hoods just do not fully cover.

p.s. Alice, I hope you are feeling better from your cold/flu/whatever it was, and I hope your knee is okay!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Run Accomplished!

Yak Trax rock! Well actually mine aren't called Yak Trax, they are called Due North traction aids. But I am 99% sure the cute guy walking his dog in the park was severely jealous of them.

There was still a little slipping -- the park is terrible right now! It looks like the snow and ice turned to slush about 800 times and people's footprints were frozen for posterity. Like some kind of crazy flash freeze happened. But I was not intimidated and I probably ran and walked at about my normal speed. Also, I had read that walking on concrete with them was uncomfortable, "Like walking on rocks." I would totally disagree. They definitely make a rather embarrassing clicking sound, but I was over that about 2 seconds into it.

In terms of the run, I did pretty well today but I'm still scared of three minutes straight. If I'm not super sore tomorrow, I'm gonna try Day 1 of Week 3 -- I really have NO time at all on Wednesday for a run. However, we'll see how it goes. There's always the possibility of pushing my week back to starting on Thursdays or something.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Run Fail

Well, today was my first failed run. We've had snow -- not the storm that the East Coast had, but we have a couple inches on the ground. The sidewalks are clear by my house and I figured the park would have some runnable terrain, so I didn't bring my yak trax.

Wrong. I got around once, walking and running way more slowly than I should be traveling, and packed it in. It was simply too icy and dangerous, even in areas covering the grass. I'll admit it: I'm scared of the Yak Trax. My first fear is that I will be overconfident in them and they won't work and I'll fall. My second is that they will come flying off while I run. But I'm gonna have to use them, and now, due to my Christmastime schedule, I'm just gonna have to do 2 runs in a row. Last day of Week 2 tomorrow, first day of week 3 on Tuesday. Wish me luck!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Week 2, DONE!

So, this morning when my alarm went off, I nearly threw it against the wall, so that I could stay in my very warm and comfy bed. The first two things on the agenda, were heading to the DMV, and then running outside, I mean, it seemed like a no brainer! Alas, I got my motivation, got my sneakers on, and headed out the door, like a good lil' C25Ker.

For those of you who do not know me, I'd like to point out that I rarely drive anymore. In high school, I was a driving fool, but since I commute on the bus to NYC everyday, when I'm home, my boyfriend is usually the one to do the driving, which is fine by me. So, I'd printed a map to the DMV, because it is a few towns away, and I'd never been there. I felt like I was being tested. When I left I had an hour until the DMV closed, and the gas light was on!! Luckily, after a super ninja last minute turn, I found the place, and was in and out in TWENTY MINUTES! I cannot BELIEVE how fast it was to renew my license! So, after I left, I was off to the nearest park with a trail, but my directions were wrong. I nearly gave up and just went to the gym, but then I remembered my fancy phone has navigation, yay!

So, holy CRAP it is cold today. Any moment we are expecting TONS of snow. It's 27 degrees with a windchill of 14, and man is it windy!  It's a really nice park though, and I saw some really cute dogs there, so that was a nice distraction. Today's run was not too bad, although I really wasn't feeling it until halfway through. I never felt like I was going to throw up or die, and I definitely think the cold distracts from these feelings. I also am SURE that I did not go as fast as when I'm on the treadmill, but I went a more reasonable pace, since I never got a side stitch!

Overall, it was a good workout, and I"m so psyched that I finished week 2!!! Now, onto week 3, which will mean a bit of a weird schedule, because of Christmas, but I plan on doing two workouts while visiting my Mama! Now, I've got to get ready for some baking with a friend, and then off to a Christmas party, if the snow isn't too bad!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A btittersweet evening

So, I just came back from yoga, and although I absolutely LOVE it, and needed it desperately this week, it was a bit of a downer tonight. Unfortunately, my amazingly hilarious and unconventional teacher Dan McBride, decided to stop teaching classes at my gym after five years there. I only had him as a teacher the past six months, but I feel as though he has really helped me arrive at the place that I've gotten to in order to start the whole C25K! So, I'd like to give his website a shout out, so check it out. He's a pretty amazing guy, who is leaving to continue with his therapeutic efforts teaching yoga and counseling those with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, often helping victims of abuse, and focusing on children. He's also been a Grammy nominated musician, and overcome some pretty intense obstacles in life. He's a good person to think of when feeling whiny mid-run, hopefully I'll remember that. So, in his words, I'll see you again when I'm supposed to. Good luck, Dan!

Second Run, Week Two, Amanda style

Wouldn't it be funny if I was not, in fact, actually running, but was instead listening to the podcast while eating Christmas cookies and playing around on the internets, and then coming here to write and discuss and pretend like I'm accomplishing something? No? Probably not, but that's almost what I did today. I had errands to run that went later than expected (Target is a hot mess right now!), and I'm supposed to go to a friend's house in... ten minutes. But I'm sitting here post-run and sweaty. I've been running late since birth (when I was actually a week early), though, so whatever.

Today I concentrated on my breathing to avoid cramping, and it worked pretty well. I only had one mild cramp during the fourth or fifth run. I can do the breathe in the nose/out through the mouth thing for roughly 50 to 60 seconds each running interval, but then it just feels like I'm not getting enough air and I revert back to mouth-breathing. But, it's a start. Now I'm gonna be a real loser/smug jerk and tell you that, right before the lady told me to stop running, I decided to run faster for a final little sprint. And I ran like an extra 30 seconds after she told me to stop. And I'm unreasonably proud of myself for this.

In other news, my shins have been achy. I'm really hoping my new shoes take care of this, but my sister suggested I strengthen my shins, and I found this video to start with. Let's duck walk, ladies (p.s. that woman is my new girlfriend).

Oh also, I got two hot new sports bras at Target, since I only owned two to begin with and I don't feel like doing extra laundry constantly. Also, I have to buy myself pretty running gear to keep myself motivated. One has polka dots!

Addendum: Today was the PERFECT temperature for running. Local news says it's 36 F and feels like 36. I had to pull up my sleeves after the fourth run, and take my gloves off. I figure since I bitch about the cold all the time, I should also express my gratitude when god or mother nature decides to give me a lovely day for a run.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Over the hump...

Wow, tonight was W2 D2 for me, and although I suppose it got easier in retrospect, once again, I thought I may die on the treadmill. I can't tell if I'm being too ambitious with my treadmill speed. I started last week at an incline of 1, to simulate the outdoor conditions, but my speeds have gone up for both walking and running. I was at a 3.5 for walking and 5.0 for running. I'm now up to a 3.8 walking, and sometimes a 5.3 or 5.4 when I run. I was once again super out of breath until half way through my recovery runs, which really does lead me to question how I will EVER be able to run for longer periods of time??? I guess most graduates of the program must have felt that way at some point, so I should just deal.

Things I've learned and/or accomplished so far:

1) I no longer felt like throwing up during my 90 second runs, which seems like a huge accomplishment.
2) Although I often feel like giving up, collapsing, or shooting myself for the mere idea to do this, my walk home from the gym is so wonderful I sometimes feel like running the whole way!
3)Despite the feeling of sheer terror in the middle of the workouts, I am usually psyched for the next one, and so happy when I'm done that it's worth the 30 minutes of torture to achieve all of those feelings.
4)I do not like changing my treadmill, I got used to mine, and felt very disoriented when I had to use a different one! This was especially traumatizing because this idiot girl tripped on the cord, unplugging it, luckily during my warm up walk, and not a running segment, or perhaps I would not be here to right this now.
5)It is NO fun having running day on Day 1 of Aunt Flow, if you know what I mean... ugh.

Alright I think that I'm starting to get a bit delirious and incoherent, so I better go take this sports bra off before it cuts off the blood flow to my brain.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First Day of Week 2 for Amanda

According to our local NBC website, it is currently 16 degrees out and feels like 3. I just got back from my run. Prepare for these weather updates to continue, because I like to complain about the cold.

I wore my ninja mask again and took it off less than halfway through, again. It's not too annoying to carry, though, so whatever. I thought the running path wouldn't be icy, and at first it wasn't but then as soon as I tried to stargaze (the sky has been cloudy through the meteor shower the past couple days and today is the first clear day), I slipped a bit on some ice. It was back to the sidewalks for me.

These 90 second runs are intense and make me want to smoke much less (though I quit, I still smoke socially once or twice a week). I think my issue is that I start out running too fast for each interval. I'm gonna try to even my pace next time.

I'll definitely make it through this week but next week sounds so hard! 3 minute runs! For Christmas! Let's not think about it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Fat Free Cheese

I now understand why contestants on "The Biggest Loser" often throw up while working out. Being that I work in TV myself, I always just assumed it was something put on for the cameras to increase the drama (which I'm sure is still true in some cases), but holy cow. I was pumped to have finally figured out the whole podcast thing, and as it started, I was off! With Carli telling me to be sure to journal because Oprah says it's good for the soul, I was on my way to starting Week 2, Day 1. Well ladies, this blog is good for my soul, but after my first two sets of running, I did briefly think that I might hurl. My problem was just being HOT. It was such a nice night, if I had a sweet headlamp like Alice, I would've loved to have done the run outside! I was sweating like I was in an audition for Flashdance, and of course, I'd forgotten my own towel, so I was sopping it up with crappy paper towels.

I never could relate to runners in the past, they always seemed kind of smug, like they were better than everyone else. I think that they just know that it's basically impossible to explain what your mind experiences while running. The phrase "dig deep" comes to mind, because during some of the later runs, I was considering slowing the treadmill down to walking pace, and giving up, but I didn't! I was in my zone, drowning out crazy Latin Zumba with the podcast when I had to think of reasons not to stop, and there were PLENTY. One was knowing I'd be sitting on my couch, writing this later on, and how I did NOT want to document how I'd given up without trying my hardest. I will not judge you ladies, and I hope you don't judge me, if sometime in the future I just physically can't immediately rise to the challenge, but I know that we're all trying our hardest, and that pushed me a lot further. Also, thinking of my Mom, and how she's so proud and inspired by my progress, and how hers inspires me, really kept me going. There are several more shallow reasons, like just wanting to look better, etc, but it was the support of friends and family that really kept me going! I also sort of came out of the "non-smoking" closet today on Facebook, and so many people voiced their support for my eight days smoke free! I know I say it in like every post, but I'm so grateful and psyched to have you girls going through this journey with me. Who needs Bob and Jillian anyway???


As an idiot and novice runner, I have been kind of winging it with stretching (aka, making up my own stupid stretches) and I have only been stretching before running.

The C25K people just posted this video on Facebook -- ladies, I know you both follow C25K on Facebook, but just in case you missed it. I think it'll help me a bunch. Apparantly it's more important to stretch after running than before. Who knew? (Most likely, everyone but me.)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Running the day after

I just completed week one! Yay! And I did so the day after I ate and drank my face off at my sister's birthday party. Seriously, there was vodka/wine/beer punch, and lots of whiskey, and more beer, and taco dip and cupcakes and cheese, etc. Also, three cigarettes. I haven't been this hung over in a long time. But I woke up at 4 pm (thanks for making that seem okay Alice!) and went to my parents house, recuperated a bit and set out to run around 9:30.

It was a toasty 39 degrees and there was no precipitation, so no ninja mask, and for the first time, my glasses did not present a problem. I definitely felt those cigarettes in my burning lungs for about the first two run cycles. I kind of wanted to die around cycle 5, but then I saw a very good-looking man walking his dog in the otherwise deserted park, and he smiled at me, and his dog was cute, and the last few runs were the easiest of the night. By the time I got home, I felt much better. Now I've showered and I feel kind of gross again.

In other news, I need new running shoes like yesterday -- I've been alternating between this old pair of pumas that have been my regular sneakers for about two years now, which rub my ankle bone and make it bleed a bit, and a really crappy pair of payless sneakers. So I researched good running shoes for flat feet and I expect to receive these from Santa.

I am totally nervous about 90 minute runs, but I am going to trust Alice and just get excited for a podcast containing "Hey Ya."

Week 2 motivational post

Ladies, I can run for 90 seconds, and I know you can as well! Even if you sleep until 4pm on Sunday and thus miss your one chance per week to run when its not dark out. Even if its been pouring rain all day and the streets are half-flooded (at least its not icy, right?). Even if you suspect that you may be coming down with swine flu or at least may have lost the ability to ever breathe through your nose again. Even if you really would just rather eat frozen pizza and watch television and stress about your life. As soon as "Hey Ya!" starts pumping through the headphones, you'll be glad you got off the couch. And when you get back home, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment even though you've done nothing else remotely productive in the past 24 hours. For serious.

Check back tomorrow to see if my legs have *actually* turned to spaghetti (mmmmmm.....) or if it just feels that way.

Workout #4 Advice: Make sure you look out for puddles. You will not be happy if you step in a deep one in the first 30 seconds of your workout and have a wet foot for the rest of the way. You will be even MORE unhappy if you step in the SAME puddle on your way home just when your wet foot was starting to be less annoying. Be sure to designate an area in your home for wet and disgusting sneakers.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Takin' It Outside!

As if I didn't already respect you two ladies for running outside, now I have NO idea why you haven't decided to kill me for suggesting we do this. I just got back from my final run of the week (thank God), and my first ever outdoor run. Holy crap it was HORRIBLE! My lungs were burning, my nose was running, my hands were freezing, and I seriously thought I was going to fall down and die at any moment. I'm guessing it was a combination of things that made today worse than the others. First off, I did a Monday, Wednesday, Saturday schedule this week. The stretch from Wednesday may have taken its toll, although I did go to yoga on Thursday, so it's not like I was completely sedentary since then. Secondly, my brilliant revelation about the podcast being on my phone did not pan out. I got as far as the intro, and then it lost the connection. This made no sense to me, because my Pandora (internet radio) worked fine, so that's what I used. I might have to download the podcasts after all, because I think that I'd like to hear the voice of someone who survived the program while I do it.

I am so relieved and proud to have completed week 1! Although today was a really rough one, it was cool to be able to check off the third workout! Now, if only I can wrap my mind around running for longer than 60 seconds at a time...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Week one accomplished! (sort of)

I'm going to go ahead and count my third workout even though I walked instead of jogged the last interval due to fear that I would actually collapse and die on the street. Thanks to Boulos's podcast revelation (don't worry, I'm just as dumb at technology!), I am now also using my phone and consider it a good thing to have with me anyway in case I do at some point collapse on the street and need a rescue.

My Yak-trax arrived today - bring on the snow and ice! Or perhaps wait until I have also acquired a sweet, sweet ninja mask like Amanda's.

Workout #3 Advice: Never assume that the sun will stay up for a reasonable amount of time. Sure, you might get out of work at 4:00pm. Sure, you are only going running for 30 minutes. But do NOT leave your head-lamp at home. It WILL get dark. You will not be able to see the uneven sidewalks and/or a pile of leaves at the side of the road. You WILL stumble. You may even fall. And when you fall, you just might break your spine. And even if you have friends awesome enough to carry you a dvd player through the snow to your third floor apartment just to entertain you while you recuperate, the back-brace and painkillers aren't as much fun as you would think. Trust me on this one. Plus, just think of how extra crazy you will look wearing the headlamp during the day. Bonus!

Second Run

According to, it is 10 degrees F right now, and feels like -7. I just completed my second run. Shockingly, I was the only person running in the park this time. To prepare, I wore a wifebeater under a long-sleeved tshirt under my new hot pink fleece hooded sweatshirt. I also wore 2 pairs of socks, my fleece-lined sweatpants and my ninja mask.

As I feared, that was overdoing it. Sure, it felt appropriate during my walk to the park. However, after like 2 60-second runs, it did not feel any colder than Tuesday outside. My glasses were an issue again, as wearing the ninja mask made them fog up when I breathed. I pulled it down over my nose for awhile, then down to free my mouth and nose. Eventually it was way too warm and I took it off. However, in similar temperatures I will probably continue to wear it and then rip it off halfway through, because it has a little neck cape feature and right now, the only really cold parts of my body are my outside and rear thighs, and my neck/double chin. Plus I'm sure I scared a few people.

There was more snow on the ground this time and I wound up running on the grass for like 5 minutes at a time before realizing I wasn't on the path. The path was packed down by other runners and rather slick, though, so actually fresher snow was less risky for running anyway. I went through all five Kleenex and may need more next time. And I am a mouthbreather while running. Is this a problem, ladies? My nose gets so stuffy.

Btw, I forgot to stretch -- I'm on a tight schedule today and shouldn't even be writing this right now. So, we'll see how that feels tomorrow. The day I have to clean my whole house and put up Christmas decorations. Sweet!

Update: I just remembered I did not put deodorant on today. Even sweeter!


Ok, I'm probably the only person on earth who did not know this, but apparently podcasts do not require an iPod! I just checked the site, and I can use the podcasts right from my phone, YAY! So, that is my plan. I'm trying to figure out what my route will be this Saturday. Figuring out where to go outside is tough! All the hills in my area really do not help matters either. I am certainly not up for an uphill run on week 1! I am looking forward to doing a workout outside though, hopefully it won't feel like starting from the beggining after two non-running days! Yoga tonight will be good though, and is always a good workout in its own way, so hopefully I won't be completely out of shape by Saturday.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Feeling my age!

Tonight I completed my second run. I upped the speed on both the walking and running section, but still was under two miles. Amanda, I'm not sure if you are a speed demon, or if I am INCREDIBLY slow. I did my walking at 3.7mph, and my running went up from 5mph on Monday, to 5.2. Man, I did not think that I would feel such a slight difference, but I seriously did.
Now as I sit on my couch, I have random pains throughout my body! I'm not incapacitated or anything, but man, I am feeling this change in workout. I guess weekly yoga class, and sporadic elliptical machine work really can't compare to starting a running regime! I had good music luck today, and my droid app worked a lot better. I'm hoping to borrow an ipod cord from someone to download one of the podcasts, but things went way better tonight, overall!
I have to say, that I'm really enjoying my walks to and from the gym as well. Although it is getting cold, it's fun, and kind of motivational. I have to pass a Dairy Queen, a pizza place, and ANOTHER ice cream place on my way, and it's a bit empowering to pass them all by with my bottled water and headphones, like I'm on a mission. I know that I shouldn't feel superior to the ridiculous people wearing winter coats and waiting for their ice cream at the outdoor Dairy Queen, but... I do. I'm really psyched for my yoga class tomorrow, because I could use some recuperative stretches! This whole solo gym thing as a whole is really a rarity for me, but it's cool. I originally had joined with a buddy, but she hasn't been able to make it in quite a while. In the past, I would've just given up, saying I need the motivation of another person there to make me feel more comfortable in a gym environment, etc. I am so glad that although I'm doing the actual workouts alone, I'm not, because of my girls and this blog! This is so fun!

Update: My day off

So today, my legs hurt. Mostly the front and sides of my upper thighs. My sister said, "Oh yeah, your hip flexers will hurt." So there you go.

Today I babysat and made some money. Then I went to Target to prepare for my run in 13 degree weather tomorrow, thus spending all my money. I bought this crazy ski mask contraption that is waterproof, "very warm," and blocks the wind. It is called a balaclava and people will probably fear me when I wear it, which is awesome. I also bought a pair of fleece-lined sweatpants and a fleece-lined hot pink hoodie, so they will know I'm a woman and also will not confuse me with a ninja.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

If you want to see how far you've run...

Here's a handy website you can join to track your running. I think mostly the intention is to create routes for yourself to meet a certain distance -- I used it in reverse, re-tracking my run tonight to find out I'd covered approximately 2.75 miles. Sweet!

Running Map

My First Run

Well, bitches, I've outdone you both. My first run was in a BLIZZARD.

Yeah, that's right. Or, almost right. It wasn't quite windy enough to be a blizzard (except during one leg on the running trail when I was running east and the snow was suddenly blowing very strongly right in my face). But it was very steady snow. New snow falling on top of old snow, which always = the most precarious walking conditions. Genius start day.

When I first got to the park, I saw one solo runner and a group of two runners. I was like, "Sweet, I'm not crazy. But I sure will look dedicated." Then I started my warm-up walk "on the running trail," which is in quotations because I couldn't see whether or not I was on the damn trail; everything was white except the sidewalks that cut across the park.

A few things about running in snow/running in general:

  • I don't think I was able to walk as briskly as intended; I didn't slip while running but walking was another matter and I need my legs to remain unbroken to complete this physical challenge.
  • I think these people (the C25K people) have severely underestimated how out of shape some couch potatoes are. There is no way I would be able to hold a conversation during the "running" portions, as they indicate I should be able to. Was I running too fast? Boulos, Alice? (Alice, remember, my lung capacity is definitely not as good as yours.)
  • I need to ask for new running shoes and pants for Christmas. I currently have one pair of appropriate sweatpants, and my shoes are old. The snow this winter is going to ruin them.
  • I need to buy new contacts when I can afford them. Running in snow with glasses was ridiculous. And dangerous, as I had to remove them to wipe them off several times, and then I went from not being able to see well to not being able to see at all in slushy snow.
  • I need to bring like 5 tissues, not one. The cold makes my nose stuffy and runny, which made this way more unpleasant than it had to be
Overall, however, running in the snow felt kind of epic. I have to say, I think I was the most apathetic of us three re: this idea before today, but now I'm pretty psyched. I almost wish it would snow every time I ran, especially since Boulos just bought me these for an early Christmas present. Alas, my next run is planned for Thursday, and it's supposed to be a high of 17 Fahrenheit. Blech.

Chafing in places I didn't think possible....

So it turns out if I pretend my raincoat is a wind-breaker, then I *do* own a wind-breaker, which is good because its well below freezing at 5:15 in the morning. As a bonus, my wind-breaker (aka raincoat) has a pocket designed for my iPod. This is genius.

Note to self: buy chapstick

Workout #2 Advice: If you get up early to go running, you probably won't encounter many other people. You will be missing out on the enthusiastic waves and implied "you go girl!"s from your neighbors. You deserve this support and should not be denied. Try to angle your headlamp into their windows to wake them up so they can come outside and cheer you on. Be sure to also wake up anyone living in your house with victory cries upon the successful completion of your run. They will want to congratulate you and may be angry if they miss out on that opportunity. We are doing something important here, ladies, and everyone needs to know about it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

W1 D1, DONE!

Ok, so I have returned from the gym, and successfully completed the first workout! I am in a completely different situation from you other two ladies, because I am in an enclosed environment, where people can quite obviously tell that I am no runner. These are some fun facts/problems that I have now observed from my first bout of running:

1) The C25K app for the droid is WEIRD. Apparently it wants you to start it after the first 5 min warm-up, and then will go on endlessly, so you need to pay attention, or you will never end your workout.

2) It is really hard to listen to your own music when there is a very boisturous, Latin-themed "Zumba" class happening like 5 feet away from your treadmill.

3)Quitting smoking the day before starting running is really not enough time for the lungs to properly respond, making running an insanely difficult task (but I was able to run each interval!)

4)Finally, and pardon me for getting a bit graphic, but.... apparently running may act as somewhat of a laxitive. I have heard awful stories about public pooping during marathons, etc, but I never paid too much attention to the direct correlation between the bowels, and running. Thankfully no accidents occurred, but my walk home from the gym was a bit touch and go, LOL!

Now apparently I have to somehow acquire some crazy workout gear, perhaps Alice, we need to schedule a shopping trip sometime in the near future!


This is going to be EPIC!

Ladies, I'm honored to be blogging in the company of greatness. We can do this thing.

Workout #1 advice: People are going to think we look like total crazos out running. I suggest that we embrace it and try to guide their opinions. For example, spectators of my first run are likely to still be thinking, "Gee, that girl has a lot of mismatched hot pink exercise attire!" rather than critiquing my non-runner physique, technique, etc. Anyone up early enough to witness my second run tomorrow morning will likely be amazed by the head-lamp that I just bought and fully intend to rock in the am. 27 workouts will make it a challenge to keep upping the eye-sore ante/weirdo factor. But if I was born to do something, this is it.


Let's Do This!

I am one of the three ladies who will be posting on here. My two best friends and I have decided to attempt running. Two of us have recently quit smoking (Amanda on Nov. 1st, me YESTERDAY), and all of us hope that this program will help with weight loss and/or improving our overall level of fitness. Since we've all worked out sporadically over the years, I think I speak for us all that the idea of running has always seemed intimidating, if not downright impossible.

I'd heard about the C25K program years ago. To learn more about it, go here. Basically, it's a 9 week plan that should take you from couch potato to a runner able to tackle a 5K. The success rate seems rather high, so we figured we'd give it a shot!

Alright, I have to change and get out the door to do W1 D1. I'm off to the gym, wish me luck!
