Saturday, December 12, 2009

Takin' It Outside!

As if I didn't already respect you two ladies for running outside, now I have NO idea why you haven't decided to kill me for suggesting we do this. I just got back from my final run of the week (thank God), and my first ever outdoor run. Holy crap it was HORRIBLE! My lungs were burning, my nose was running, my hands were freezing, and I seriously thought I was going to fall down and die at any moment. I'm guessing it was a combination of things that made today worse than the others. First off, I did a Monday, Wednesday, Saturday schedule this week. The stretch from Wednesday may have taken its toll, although I did go to yoga on Thursday, so it's not like I was completely sedentary since then. Secondly, my brilliant revelation about the podcast being on my phone did not pan out. I got as far as the intro, and then it lost the connection. This made no sense to me, because my Pandora (internet radio) worked fine, so that's what I used. I might have to download the podcasts after all, because I think that I'd like to hear the voice of someone who survived the program while I do it.

I am so relieved and proud to have completed week 1! Although today was a really rough one, it was cool to be able to check off the third workout! Now, if only I can wrap my mind around running for longer than 60 seconds at a time...


  1. Don't worry - we bring it upon ourselves to run outside. But I'm definitely proud of you for hitting the pavement in the winter with us. And I'm so thankful to you for being the inspiration/motivation to start this journey. Especially since I know that even if I have to crap out halfway through and start again months later, you'll still be there to cheer me on. Thank you for being a friend!!!

  2. I was thinking the same thing about having to start over! I'm hoping that won't be the case, but I know it's only supportive energy that yields results, so if I take longer than 9 weeks, hopefully you won't think less of me!

  3. I am really sad I couldn't come to your party, bring the biggest gift, and attach a card that said "Thank you for being a friend," because I totally agree with Alice. And I actually like running in the cold, though I am going through a lot of tissues. I feel tough and awesome, but not as sweaty as I might otherwise be.
