Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Back in the saddle!

So, I went from no blogs in over two weeks to two in one day! I had to report that I did finally get back to the program, and I feel sooo good about it! I decided in order to avoid injury after my long hiatus, I should head back down a notch, and I think it was a great idea. Week 3 is seriously my favorite, and I think that I might just re-do it before I head back to my dreaded week 4.

Two bonehead things I did in my return:

1) I did my entire warm up walk AND my first 90 second run at a 2% incline! This may not seem like a lot, but considering I like a 0 to at the MOST a 1%, this was crazy! I realized later, but was proud that I had even been able to do that. It made me realize that to increase endurance and calorie burn, I really should keep it to at least a 0.5%, which is also supposed to make outdoor running easier.

2) When I got to the cool down, I was already thinking about what I'd write in our blog. How I wish I could somehow take a snapshot of the feeling I get after a good workout, and how I can't believe I stayed away so long from something that seemed so easy! Then, I heard Carli say "Ok, great job on your last three minute jog!" which made me feel simultaneously confused and annoyed! My immediately pre-hiatus self would have thought this was meant to be, and would have just kept on walking, but I felt cheated! I not only felt I'd be cheating myself, but you guys as well, so I did a three minute run and then extended the cool down. I think that the silliest part about this, was while walking when I should have been running, I was thinking, Carli should have made this song play while running, it's so upbeat! Haha, duh...

So, there you go, I'm back! I'm so happy to have finally gotten myself together, and it's really amazing how healthy actions can take on a snowball effect. I started counting points again this week, followed by packing all food for the work day, and now I am back to the program! I have plans to head back to yoga for the first time in over a month, and I can't wait. Thanks for sticking with me ladies, you're the best, and I couldn't do it without your continued support and motivation! Yay!


  1. Falling off the wagon and climbing back on are normal cycles for those of us who don't love the gym but love the feeling afterwards. Don't beat yourself up too much, know that it'll happen and that's ok. Also, completely forgetting how awesome it feels and how easy it is after the first few minutes is par for the course.

  2. Way to go, wife! I find that trying to make up a bit at the end if you fuck up leaves you feeling more upbeat, so good decision!

  3. Thanks for the support, ladies! I'm psyched to get my run in tonight before the crazy storm wallops us with snow!
