Well, I've finished the program! I managed to make it through today's run, making it a full 3-run week! Almost exactly 13 weeks after beginning this (tomorrow would be exactly 13). Haha, 9-week program. But given my struggles with week 7, I'm kind of surprised it's only been 13 weeks!
This run was not the smooth, excellent run of Saturday. My legs were useless again at the end and I made it 2.84 miles, not my best.
Oh well. I have to double check when the Cheetah Run 2010: Save Chester 5k is, but I think I have about a month. I should register for that soon. My sister suggested integrating sprints, which sounds interesting but is a concept I need to figure out (how long the sprints should be/how long the walks in between should be, blah blah). I'm thinking I'll do two 30-minute runs a week with a day of sprints in between. And I'm only using my own playlists from now on. I love Carli, but I am SO OVER the week 9 podcast. Although I want to download "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera, that song is awesome.
Well, I plan to still write here, maybe not after every run, but I'll be seeing you around here!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! You've done such an awesome job, and are a good motivator for the rest of us, for sure!! I do hope that you continue to write in here, Lord knows I could use the continued support when I get my sick ass back with the program. Don't feel bad about finishing in 13 weeks, are you kidding me?? I still have yet to start week 5, remember... LOL! WTG, keep up the good work!!