Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Just to make sure you all don't think I've fallen off the face of the earth, here I am. I have not run for a while now, which is unfortunate, as I'd finally jumped the hurdle that was week 4, but alas, the blizzard we had was immediately followed by a two and a half week bout with sickness, lame. I'm on antibiotics, and getting rather restless, so I decided I had to do something tonight! I did some yoga which made me feel a lot better.

I have a HUGE weekend ahead of me, since Amanda will be here, and we have all sorts of fun times plans! So, I am going to stick with the yoga to get myself moving again, and hopefully prevent me from actual injury when I head back to the gym next week. It's going to be tough to decide where to pick up, it's been so long, not sure I can jump in to week 5, but I might. I am hoping to do some more outside workouts now too, since it's getting to be SO beautiful out! So, don't worry, I haven't given up! I will keep moving, and sticking to what feels right, and what stays fun!


  1. This weekend, we may have ruined our initiative and ability to move quickly for awhile.

  2. Um, truer words have never been written.
