Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bone Bruise: It could happen to YOU!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been diagnosed by an expert. An expert that believes that I am too young to have fractured my knee so randomly and therefore don't need any sort of bone density scan and that what the mri shows is actually a bruise on the bone caused somehow by an impact while running. Let this be a warning to you - apparently hitting the ground too hard with your feet can cause your knee to bruise FROM THE INSIDE!!!!

This experience does help me reflect on the fact that I have excellent health insurance. I mean, I went to the doctor, the x-ray, the mri, the orthopedist, etc. and it cost me a whopping $15 out of pocket and $5 of that was for parking. Of course at the end of the day, I totally could have just skipped the whole ordeal and saved my $15 because there is no treatment and I just have to avoid running for the next three months to allow it to heal. By that time you ladies will be running marathons, I'm sure. My next checkup is in early Feb so the doc says we will re-evaluate the situation at that point.

I've decided that I'm not willing to just shrug off this whole endeavor. I WILL BE BACK in 3 months to do this with you. In the mean time I am going to WALK my 5Ks just to keep myself mobile and at least not go all the way back to couch potato status I bought a pedometer today at my WW meeting and since the meeting I've walked 1386 steps. I have no idea if this is a lot of steps or not but it equates to .63 miles so that's kind of impressive considering that I've just been puttering around my house. In any case it gives me something to focus on and blog about so I can still share the experience even though I'm now "differently able."


  1. omg "differently able." Awww. Alice I promise to still be running in three months. I'm kind of considering what I might do after/if I complete this program and I might just make like 30 minute mixes to run to or something. In any case, we'll have to keep up the blog.

    I'm glad it's not broken! And I will try to tread gently to avoid this, thanks for the tip!

  2. Wow, three months sucks! However, considering I had to postpone my W4 D2 run until TOMORROW, the rate I'm going, I will just be finishing this process then!! No, seriously. I do enjoy the whole prospect of finishing, and then perfecting the 30 min run. I would like to do a 5K at some point. Maybe if I can keep it up, and you are able to do the whole program again in a few months, we could sign up for a 5K in the fall or something!

    Amanda, on the C25K fb page, someone mentioned an 8K training, and I think the last week of C25K is the same as that program's first week! So, that's something!
