Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Can Run For Eight Minutes!!!!

This is an amazing discovery. I can do it, TWICE. In the snow.

I have no idea who is reading this -- you may or may not know that I live in Chicago. And we had a snowstorm today. I think there's probably like 5 inches or something out there; we're supposed to get 10 total. It's that fine, fluffy snow that is really hard to move in, so running was not an appealing idea (plus it's still in the teens, it's not that 32 degrees and snowing weather). But jumping from 5 minute runs to 8 minute runs meant there was no choice -- I really couldn't take a day off.

By the way, I did the math during one of the walking sections, and this was the first day that the running section was longer than walking. Tuesday, I ran a total of 15 minutes and walked a total of 16. Today, opposite -- ran 16, walked 15. Excellent!

Anyway. I wore two pairs of socks, leg warmers, my Yak Trax and my ninja mask (the mask until about halfway into run 1). The park was blanketed in snow so, yet again, I chose to run on the sidewalks. Some of which were not shoveled; walking and running on that was like running through sand. Thus, my legs are aching a bit again. My form suffers in the snow :( But it's not too bad. Also, both Tuesday and today, when I got home, I smelled weird things. It smelled like a hospital/disinfectant. I mentioned this to my sister (who has run marathons) and she said she used to smell weird things after running. This made me feel like a runner.

So, now... 20 minutes. 20 minutes! But I really thought maybe I couldn't do 8, and I did. And I only kind of felt like vomiting after. And I said "thank you" to the shovelers who stood to the side to let me pass, and this wonderful old man said something like, "make it a good one!" or some similar supportive thing in response, and I'll do 20 minutes just for him! Because I look like a total weirdo running in the snow but I love it, as do kind old men.

I'll report back on Saturday or Sunday!


  1. That is so awesome. That old man reminds me of the man in Bridget Jones at the end, when she's running half naked in the snow, and he's all, "CRAZY GIRL!". You kind of ARE Bridget Jones in that scene, mainly due to snow, but it's excellent.

    I was watching the news about this town that has had nine straight days of snow, and there were two girls in the background running, and I was like, "You go ladies!" they made me proud, nut not as proud as you do!! I also appreciate your encouraging texts today! I am hoping that my runs tomorrow, and then Sunday should really help me get back on track!

  2. Haha well I am just glad I wasn't running around in my underpants like Bridget Jones!
