Sunday, January 24, 2010

Getting better...

Well, I've made it over my 3-break hump. At least for a day, let's hope forever.

It is a balmy 42 degrees here, which is really warm. I have no idea how I am going to handle summer because I'm grossly sweaty and red-faced right now. Though I suppose that, in summer, I will not wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

The ice is gone! Today was my first run in like a month sans Yak Trax. YAY! I did one lap around the park but the thaw created some really big puddles so it was back to the streets. I can't decide which I like better; I do enjoy the feeling of accomplishment I get by actually traveling in lines and not circles.

So I started and had to pause after one song. Initially this was because I was waiting to cross the street and get out of the park, but that turned into a walk. I'm pretty sure I start out with too fast a pace. Because then I began running again and kind of wanted to quit, but Bad Romance came on (I used another of my own playlists, this one titled "Ladies") and I was like, "Okay I'm going to make it through this song." By the way, that is a song I would highly recommend for your playlist. So I slowed my pace a bit and got through it. Then my next song came on and I thought, "I'll make it halfway through this one." But I got to halfway and challenged myself to run through it. I took my next walking break about 30 seconds into the following song. Both breaks were probably about two minutes, so hey -- I ran about 21 minutes and that is longer than that 20 minute run I was so proud of.

My goal for this coming week is to get down to one break, and maybe do the whole 25 minutes the third run? We'll see!

Okay, so I've hit a plateau here, which won't last forever, but I remembered something I wanted to share: my leg muscles, though often achy, have really gotten awesome! My calves totally rock right now. Additionally, I was wearing a skirt and riding the train and trying to hold my thighs together, you know how you do, so as to not reveal your panties to the world? And I remembered how that used to be super annoying and kind of a struggle, but I did it with ease. I hope that makes sense. I mean, in other words, it's possible that I could crush you with my thigh muscles.


  1. I am scared of your thighs of steel! I love that you challenge yourself with songs, because I do the same thing!! I'm actually really psyched to get back to it tonight, and I am really happy that I have the treadmill, since we are having crazy weather today! Although it's in the 50's here, it's also a crazy rain and wind storm!

    I worry about the summer too, for temps, but can't wait till I can head outside after work, and it will still be light out!

  2. I promise not to use the power of my thighs on you. I can't wait for Spring, but I'm not that psyched for Summer :(
