Tuesday, January 19, 2010

25 Minutes: A Long Time

Week 7 will probably be the week I repeat ad infinitum. Today was day 1 of week 7, but the second time I attempted a 25 minute run -- if you recall, week 6 ended with one. And I "failed" again.

Firstly, let me assure you all that my knee (actually knees -- the right one developed a pretty sweet bruise) are fine. The left one hurt pretty badly every time I sat down or stood up for the past couple of days but felt much better today. So I can't really blame it on that. What I can blame it on, in part, are the cigarettes I continue to smoke occasionally. I had one last night and I don't think they are helping me here.

Still running on sidewalks because the ice on the running path just does not want to melt. I was doing pretty well but about 7 or 8 minutes into the run, I was really getting out of breath. So I walked for a minute or two. I got myself running again, but maybe 18 minutes into the run, I had to slow to a walk again. I walked for a minute or so and was able to run the last 6ish minutes. I tried to push past the end time, and did so for maybe 30 seconds but I developed a cramp in my shoulder/chest area and had to stop.

I felt vomity a few times, there were various cramps threatening, and I just have difficulty taking those deep belly breaths. But I'm working up to this 25 minutes thing and even if it takes me over a week, I'm gonna do it! I am still running the vast majority of the time and I feel good afterwards.

Unfortunately dinner plans with my grandmother mean I won't be able to do the Thursday/Saturday like I wanted, so I will see you on Friday, when I cram in a run before my plans for the night, and then Sunday.


  1. Wow, you are still doing such a great job, I'm so proud of you, wife! I know you will do the 25 minutes, and then the 30 minutes!! It's quite an accomplishment you've made already, and you are really setting the bar quite high! As I told you, I am taking a bit of a hiatus this week, planning to head to yoga tomorrow night, and then out for a run this Saturday. Although I'm far off from where you are in the process, I'm feeling a bit better about it after a mental rest. I think that getting back to yoga will help me out, and then I will try different podcast on Saturday, to reinvigorate my return to the program. Yay!

    Congratulations on the great work you're doing, I know you will be able to do it!!!

  2. Thanks! Well, you may catch up with me as I seem to have plateaued, but hey. If it takes me months to work up to 30 minutes, at least there will actually be 5ks to run because we'll be into Spring!
