Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week Six, Run Two

Today was 2 10-minute runs, with a 3-minute walk between them.

It is a balmy 38 degrees here! In Chicago, in January, that is tank top weather. No legwarmers or ninja mask today! In fact, in the middle of the second run, I felt it was way too warm out. Summer promises to be amazing for me.

The first run went pretty well. About seven minutes into the second run, I felt like I might vomit and/or die. I had to slow my pace severely, but I managed to not quit. I was really on the verge of walking. I have no idea how I will do 25 minutes for Saturday or Sunday! (I'd prefer to do Saturday but may not have time.) It's possible I ate too close to running, or it's possible that I am an out of shape chubbiekins and this is just gonna continue to be hard for me. Who knows.

So, that ammonia smell (it's ammonia, I googled it -- I'm just bad at naming cleaning supplies by scent). Apparently not a good thing. It means either I am not getting enough carbs pre-run and my body is burning protein (muscle), or I am not drinking enough water. However, it kind of sounds like this is if your sweat smells like ammonia, and I swear the scent is only in my nose, because it disappears after about two minutes. I have no idea, but I'll try to get more water in (I don't think a lack of anything in my diet can be to blame. I eat carbs and lots of them.)

1 comment:

  1. That ammonia thing is SO BIZARRE! I am pretty sure that I am not lacking in carbs either, so although I cannot smell, I'm pretty confident that I am checmical smell free. And, you are no out of shape chubbiekins (even though that word makes me giggle), because you can run for 20 mins! You should be so proud of the amazing job you're doing. You are inspiring me to keep on keepin' on. Way to go, wife-o!
