Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Starting Week Six

I am such a dummy! On the way home, I realized I have three weeks and two runs left, which led me to realize that given nine FULL weeks, I was halfway done during run two LAST week, not during week four. I swear I used to do well in school, even in math :(

I just returned from my first run of the week and the smell of rubbing alcohol is very strong in my nose. What is this about? I'm totally googling it. It's warming up in Chicago -- starting tomorrow, we are going to be above freezing for a whole week! In January! Bust out the bikinis! But I dawdled and, though it was 31 when I got home today, it was 26 during my run. And it felt really cold until I hit the middle of my second run (btw today is 5 minute run, 8 minute run, 5 minute run). Probably because I only wore one pair of socks, did not wear and undershirt, and left the ninja mask at home.

I have to admit, I totally felt like I wouldn't make it through the second run. After completing last week, I felt confident that today would be a breeze, but it was not. I took two days off (which ideally I would like to quit -- I'd love to just run every other day -- but having the extra day to play with really helps create a realistic schedule). Plus I smoked like four cigarettes this weekend, though my lungs didn't actually feel too bad.

I finished, and I feel great now, of course. I wish I could tap into how I feel NOW when I'm sitting around lazy and lethargic pre-run, just for a second, for motivation.

I feel like I got a lot of weird looks on the street today (I tried the park, but the snow was too deep and slippery), and I'm over it. Even this one dude, who I know was either about to run or had just finished because he was doing runner's stretches; I tried to smile at him and he TURNED AWAY without smiling (this was during my post-run walk but I was all sweaty and briskly walking). I'm just going to get an XL t-shirt to wear over my sweatshirt that says FUCK YOU TOO. I don't like these people. Where is my encouraging old man when I need him?

Next run is two 10 minute runs on Thursday. Talk to you then!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, what's wrong with the people in your neighborhood?? That's not nice! I know you're in a city, but there should be a better sense of community!! If I ever see that jerk, I'll run him over while wearing yay trax. That's just rude! I'm sorry it was a harder run than you thought it would be, but I feel like 2 days off is sometimes necessary. Three will kill you though. You're still doing such an amazing job, and you should be so proud! You give me hope when I feel like a weakling for repeating week 4. Keep up the good work!!
