Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not pushing hard enough??

So, tonight I was acting like a GIANT baby, and I REALLY did not want to go running. There are a few reasons for this tantrum, however. First of all, I was planning on restarting week 4 yesterday, however due to a stupid accident that backed up my entire commute home, I got home at 7, my normal running time. This wouldn't have been a problem if I wasn't also STARVING, but I was, and we all know what happened last time I tried W4 D1 on an empty stomach, so I was screwed. So, due to the wrench thrown in my schedule, I was planning on heading to run AND go to yoga immediately following. I've been doing week 4 for a while now, so I figured it would be fine, but, I was wrong.

I'm not sure what is up, but I am not progressing nearly as well as my cohort, Amanda. As it is, Amanda had to coax me even going at all tonight, via text message. I feel so pathetic! To top all of this pathetic whining off, not only did I head home post run, but I didn't even do the final five minute run AT ALL. It's like, every time I try a week four, I get three of the runs perfect, but one of them is always slightly cheated, or, cut out entirely, like tonight. I'm also really bummed to not have gotten a chance to return to yoga. My problem with that tonight was the step class at 7 was still going at 8, and I did not want to spend another moment on the treadmill, so I left.

I'm also experiencing some new pain in my legs, YAY! I hadn't really had any shin issues too badly yet, but there they were tonight! Ugh, sorry I'm such a Debbie Downer, after Amanda's inspirational and educational post! I hope that I am not having ammonia smells without knowing it, since I cannot really smell. I guess I somehow justified giving up on the final run because of the intense pain in my side that appeared as I was supposed to start it, as well as being proud I went to the gym at all. My issue was over heating as well. I joined the gym in August, and I remember it being air conditioned pretty well, so I have a feeling that might be my favorite place to run when it's warm. I think I would really like running outside more often though, but working really puts a damper on my preferred schedule.

Oy, well I will try again on Saturday. It's supposed to be in the 40s here, which will also feel like summer compared to what we've had!! So, maybe that will help get me back into the positive, gung-ho place I was when we first started. One final thing. I honestly do not know if I am currently capable of running for longer than five minutes. I have a feeling week 4 might last even longer for me, but I guess we'll see! At least I'm trying, I guess!!

1 comment:

  1. Oy, wifey! You are doing great, you are still trying! I feel like this would be so easy to give up on. There are also so many variables in our routines -- I don't work full-time, and I'm not on a treadmill so my pace is god knows what -- etc. Plus you've had a lot of unforseen but necessary breaks in your schedule, whereas mine was only thrown off once.

    I totally think that you should just keep doing week 4 until you feel confident. Like maybe just keep doing that routine until you feel comfortable with it 2x in a row or something? If you get sick of the Running Into Shape podcast, I've used the techno ones from the C25K site a few times, and they can be nice because of the build-up inherent in that type of music.

    Don't let this get you down. We have both achieved a lot since the fatty days of ordering cheeseburgers 2x a week or whatever we were doing. We will both run a 5k, official or non-official, this year!
