Saturday, January 9, 2010

Completing Week Five

Yes, I said completing. I CAN RUN FOR 20 MINUTES STRAIGHT!!! I apologize for the repetitive nature of these celebratory posts, but seriously I think this is the first time in my 29 years of existence that I have run for 20 minutes, including back before I smoked. Honestly this is enough of an accomplishment for me, but I suppose I'll keep going.

It's like 17 degrees here; I wore 2 pairs of socks, the ninja mask (I wore it for about half the run, which is a first. I still think it messes up my breathing, though, so I had it down over my nose and mouth for most of the time), legwarmers, an undershirt, gloves... I've been chilly lately. The thought of running in the cold made me dilly-dally quite a bit before finally getting to the run.

The snow is still around and it's slushy in places but more sidewalks were clear (the park is still a no-go) so running today was a bit easier. One thing that is a problem is my stuffy nose; blowing one's nose while running is kind of a pain in the ass. Also, I'm still running around spitting everywhere. I'm gross.

I had several moments of "dear god, I cannot do this anymore." A couple because I was out of breath, a few about 10 minutes in when my ankles/lower calves were hurting pretty badly, and a few more when my heartbeat seemed to be warning of cardiac arrest. But in the end, the second 10 minutes (she tells you when you're halfway done, thank god) went much more quickly. I thought I would be judging time based the cues for the other days, but I somehow missed notification of the last 5 minute run. I was just thinking, "Oh my god, she hasn't announced that yet, I have at least four more minutes?!?!" when Carli announced that I was done. I was so surprised, I grunted. Not that I usually grunt in surprise, but I didn't have the energy or breath to say "What? Really?!"

Overall it was a good run, on to week 6!

1 comment:

  1. I'm convinced that you have turned into some sort of super human android, and replaced Amanda. HOW DID YOU RUN TWENTY MINUTES??? I seriously am so impressed, I cannot deal!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!How did you do this???

    I think that I will be doing my twenty minute run (although it's so far away, I can barely comprehend its existence) outside. One of my main issues is the monotony of the treadmill, so being outside seems like a good idea for it. I also think that perhaps you were better off not being in the park. Although I liked the park near me that I've done some running in, it is basically one big loop, and one smaller loop, not too exciting. I am going to assess the outside landscape near my house again tomorrow, so that I know where major hills are, and I'll be sure to avoid them next week. Once again, you are blowing me away with your ability to run, way to go!!!
