Tuesday, January 26, 2010

25 minutes with just one break... but....

Well, shit. I just finished my first day of repeating week 7, and I was all proud that I only took one break, about 10 minutes in. Then I was looking at the podcast on the way home and wondering why the hell it is only 33 minutes long, when a 25 minute run + two 5-minute walks should = 35 minutes. And I SWEAR TO GOD I had downloaded the up to date Running Into Shape week 7 podcast. I swear!!

No, I didn't. I got home and looked at the site and re-downloaded, and she added another song to make up for the 3 missing minutes :( So, I can run for just over 22 minutes (I added about 30 seconds on at the end to "make up for" my 2 minute-ish walk in the middle) with just one break. Damnit! Foiled again!

Well, anyway. I still feel like I'm improving. Who's to say I wouldn't have made it another 3 minutes? Haha. Kind of doubtful, but it's in part the fault of the weather. It got cold again -- weather.com said it was about 20 F when I left and felt like 7. And it is WINDY. Luckily, I wore leg warmers, an undershirt and my trusty ninja mask, which was annoying in terms of fogging up my glasses, but really helpful because it was freaking freezing out there. I kept it on for about 5 minutes and then stumbled around trying to continue running while my headphones fell off and I tripped over them (NO BIG FALL, just a stumble, don't worry) and tried to collect them.

Anyway, the reason I might not have made it another 3 minutes is that my nose was getting really runny and stuffy due to the wind and cold, but I was holding my ninja mask and, by this time, my gloves. So it was getting hard to blow my nose. This is one thing I will not miss about summer (though I'll have to get one of those armbands to keep my mp3 player in place!).

I was able to run in the park again and I think this was helpful. For some reason -- maybe because I feel more conspicuous on streets -- I think I'm able to better set my pace on the running track. I think I try to run away from people on the streets and then run too fast. What can I say, I'm a misanthropic runner.

So the reason I returned to the podcast, btw, was that I find the little "You've completed five minutes" type reminders helpful. I downloaded the new one and might do that Thursday, or maybe I'll switch back to my own playlist. We'll see!


  1. If three minutes is your issue, you are doing FANTASTIC!!! Way to go!! Your hoodie doesn't have pockets?? When I run outside, I try to wear an outer layer w/ pockets for tissues, my phone (which I use for an MP3 player) etc. It makes it a bit easier, but I hate trying to blow my nose while running. It does suck. Summer will introduce us to a whole new set of problems, I'm sure... but what an adventure it will be!

  2. I am still pretty proud, I have to say. I hope to do 25 minutes with one or no breaks on Thursday.

    I do have pockets! But I have tissues and keys in one and my mp3 player in the other, so when the mask and the gloves come off, I have to hold them. I would toss the gloves in the mask, but since it has a giant hole for my eyes, that wouldn't help much. So the summer will be annoying because I won't be wearing a hoodie with a pocket for the mp3 player.
