Tuesday, January 5, 2010

knee injuries: go big or go home!

Ladies, you continue to inspire me. I can't wait to hear about your 20 minute runs - the mere idea fills me with uncontrolled optimism about life. And let me tell you, I can really use the optimism right now.

The MRI images of my knee are in and it turns out that I actually BROKE A BONE IN MY LEG! I suppose that should make me feel pretty hardcore for walking around on it - I honestly thought I was just out of shape and a wuss for giving up after W2 D1. We'll see what the orthopedist has to say on Thursday. By now the swelling is gone but I'm still a bit sore (probably because of the elliptical machine workout I did yesterday just before the doctor called and told me not to) and very ready to be done with this whole knee scenario.

My list of questions for the doctor include:
  1. wtf?
  2. how did this happen?
  3. do I have a crazy brittle bone disease?
  4. seriously, wtf?
  5. I swear I've consumed more milk and cheese than is even advisable!
  6. I even eat those gummy calciums!
  7. and I've totally lost weight so my skeleton should be psyched for that.
  8. do I at least qualify for a handicapped parking pass?

Right now the most plausible explanation is alien abduction and time spent in a zero gravity environment leading to loss of bone density. That being the case, I guess it could have been worse.



  1. Omg Alice, I'm so sorry to hear that! This sounds really sucky because I can't imagine knee bones heal as quickly. Or maybe I'm dumb and they heal totally quickly, I don't know.

    I am impressed by your ability to walk; I'm sure I would be crying in my bed like a baby. I hope you can walk and/or run again soon!

  2. I know, I seriously can't believe how mobile you are! It's truly amazing. I'm really interested in finding out how this possibly happened as well! Keep a positive outlook, because you are hardcore!
