Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Starting Week Five, the Scariest of Weeks (thus far)

Week Five, Day One! Three sets of 5-minute runs, with 3-minute walks between them. I did it, I can officially kick ass by running for five minutes straight, three times in a row. Woo hoo! Now... on to Thursday's 8 minute runs, and then Sunday's 20 minute runs. Does that not seem insanely accelerated to you? I mean, seriously, I think like 3 weeks ago I was lucky to run for 90 seconds without dying? So... now I'm gonna up it by 15 minutes in 5 days. Who the hell created this crazy routine?

Today I was crabby and cold and sleepy when I got home from babysitting my friend's 16 month old. I was like, I want a sippy cup and a nap now, please, but I needed to run. I should have immediately eaten some soup and gone for the run like 30 minutes later, but I dilly-dallied at the computer and it got colder and I got crabbier. My sister got home and wanted to watch a crime drama with me and I was like, "LOOK I HAVE TO RUN. I'D RATHER DIE THAN RUN IN THE COLD, BUT THERE YOU GO." It was a really impressive display of being a bitter baby on my part.

So I got my butt in gear with her encouragement. It was like 19 degrees when I left the house, and I was all, oh I know this temperature. Ninja mask, you have no hold on me any longer, you are staying home.

Wtf? It was SO cold on my face and neck. Like, way colder than last week when it was around 20 degrees about every time I ran. It took at least a run and a half before I felt like I wasn't going to die of hypothermia. So I guess I'm taking the old mask next time.

I had to do the techno run, and it was okay. I prefer the pop music of Running Into Shape, but the techno does have those points that make you want to run whilst pumping your fist, which is okay to do if you are not in New Jersey because you are less likely to be mistaken for The Situation. Overall it was a good run, my lungs felt much much better than they did on Sunday, and I was so much less crabby when I got home. See you Thursday!


  1. Ok, you seriously rock! I heard how insanely cold it's been in Chicago, and although I can appreciate the exhilaration of running outdoors, I feel like I would constantly be whining if I had to do it outside all the time! I think that my W4 D3 run will require a ninja mask as well. It's supposed to be Arctic over here (even more so than it has been), so I guess I'll feel your pain!

    I am SO in awe of you once more, Amando! So many five minute runs, that is SO impressive!! I seriously cannot wrap my mind around 8 or 20 minute runs whatsoever. Week 5 might be the one that I repeat, or at least get stuck on. We shall see, I guess! I wish you luck on run #2 tomorrow! I'm heading out to W4 D2 tonight, hopefully it goes even better than last time!!

  2. You will rock all of these runs. I keep thinking I probably can't, and I am wrong. The Running Into Shape lady is right, all the time.

    And you are awesome for finding this plan, by the way. I had vague notions of "becoming a runner" after quitting but did nothing about it for over a month until you found this. And a structured program like this is exactly what I need. So thanks!
