Friday, February 26, 2010

30 Minutes: 2 Minutes Too Long, According to My Legs

I just completed Day 2 of Week 9, and I made it through the run again (though, again, I did not reach 3.1 miles). OH MY GOD, MY LEGS. I almost sat down and cried on the walk home. Then I sat down to take off my Yak Trax, and I almost stayed there and cried. Then I audibly whined while stretching, and almost cried again. It's worn off a bit and really only warrants a sad face now, but it was definitely worth giving up and crying during the cool-down walk.

I find this amusing because, though I think my legs have been achy since beginning this, I feel like this ache is so much more intense than week 8's aches (haha, say that five times fast). Would my legs implode if I tried for 32 minutes? Gee whiz, muscles. Quit your complaining.

So now I'm trying to decide whether to finish week 9 in six days, as I'd planned -- I have a friend's birthday on Monday, so I can't run that night -- or whether I should give my legs a rest and finish it Tuesday, taking eight days to finish this week. I might opt for the latter. Besides, I'm about to hop in the shower and then go to Wisconsin, and I'm reading at a sex show on Sunday night and cannot guarantee I'll be back in time to cram a run in there.

Have a lovely weekend! I will be sitting indoors reading while my more adventurous friends go snowboarding and skiing.


  1. Where in Wisconsin??? I live in Madison!

  2. Wife, where did you go in Wisconsin? Is this why you were so non-texty this weekend? WTG on not crying, and running through the pain! That is bizarre that like 2 minutes intensifies pain so much, what is up w/ that? I guess thinking of the difference btween 3 and 5 mins, that is really intense, so I guess it makes sense!

    As for me, I am now sick, so running is an unlikely event for the evening. Ugh... Take 8 days to finish week 9, I may take 8 months to finish the entire program at this rate, LOL!

  3. I went to Wisconsin Dells for less than two days -- we did pass by Madison, Hilary! It was a friend's 30th birthday trip.
