Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Moving on to the Second Trimester!

Last night, I made a fantastic discovery at the gym, and it made all the difference during my run! I swtiched treadmills! There is one that is a bit off to the side from the others, and it gets a refreshing burst of cool air whenever someone opens the door, making it my new favorite indoor location.

So, last night I completed week three, and was astonished by how well I did. I was able to run the entire final three minute portion (in addition to all other running segments), and I never felt on the verge of death! I don't know if it was the cooler air or what, but I have not had the feeling of gasping for air at all during my past two workouts. I'm sure the fact that I still haven't had a cigarette is helping, but it feels like more than that, as though my body is actually getting used to exerting itself! Weird!!!

I am now even more terrified about starting week 4, however, after reading Amanda's post. I'm also not sure where I will be able to run, since there is a storm coming tomorrow, and the gym closes at 3. Perhaps I should buy a pair of Yay Trax for myself, since I don't have any. I do really enjoy running outside, but I have finally figured out the treadmill speeds I'm most comfortable with, so it's a good mix for me, doing two indoor runs and one outdoor run per week. Hopefully I'll get out early enough tomorrow, so that I can make the gym! It is New Year's Eve afterall!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found the ideal treadmill! Even though I'm still smoking on occasion, I generally get a little bit of burning lung during the first run segment and then I'm okay. I think I've definitely improved my breathing technique.

    Get some Yay Trax! I love that I don't have to be concerned about the conditions outdoors, and when you are the only person out there running in a storm or in 1/2 a foot of snow,you feel pretty awesome.
