Thursday, December 31, 2009

Week 4, Day 1, Take ONE!

So, I faced my first real running hiccup today. First of all, my knee has been audibly clicking for the past two days, and slightly pained, but I didn't think much of it, so when I got out at noon today, I was psyched I'd make it to the gym before it closed! I was in a HUGE rush when I finally made it home, after a horribly long wait for the bus, that I changed into gym clothes, and ran the f out the door! I failed to notice my INSANE hunger during my quick change, but it hit me when it was too late to do anything about it.

 Ok, so please note: YOU SHOULD NEVER RUN WHILE STARVING, this led to a basic run fail. I did the first three minute run, with EASE, dare I say, and then it was all downhill from there. The walk recovery was fine, but I did about half the five minute run before feeling super light headed, and the pain in my knee had returned, so that pretty much did it. I did the second three minute run, but only about 90 seconds of the final five minute run. I definitely do not count today as a successful one, but I certainly did make the effort, and out of four weeks, I was bound to have an issue at some point!

So, I start the new year tonight with a sense of accomplishment and a desire to do better! So, cheers to you all!!! May 2010 bring us more success and inspiration!! Much love, and have a wonderful night!!

1 comment:

  1. Is the knee achy or just clicky? I iced my knee on Tuesday and have been making sure to stretch well; today my knee was so much better.

    Luckily I grabbed some pizza at my mom's house today, which really is the ideal runner's fuel, no? But oddly, it takes constant reminding to not forget to eat first. Thanks for another reminder :)

    You will do so much better on your next run. I feel like the second day of this week was insanely better. Also, two things I need to not do IMMEDIATELY before a new week starts: eat every fatty thing in sight (aka Christmas) and take the 2-day break. I think the 2-day break before upping the intensity is a real killer!
