Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week 2 motivational post

Ladies, I can run for 90 seconds, and I know you can as well! Even if you sleep until 4pm on Sunday and thus miss your one chance per week to run when its not dark out. Even if its been pouring rain all day and the streets are half-flooded (at least its not icy, right?). Even if you suspect that you may be coming down with swine flu or at least may have lost the ability to ever breathe through your nose again. Even if you really would just rather eat frozen pizza and watch television and stress about your life. As soon as "Hey Ya!" starts pumping through the headphones, you'll be glad you got off the couch. And when you get back home, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment even though you've done nothing else remotely productive in the past 24 hours. For serious.

Check back tomorrow to see if my legs have *actually* turned to spaghetti (mmmmmm.....) or if it just feels that way.

Workout #4 Advice: Make sure you look out for puddles. You will not be happy if you step in a deep one in the first 30 seconds of your workout and have a wet foot for the rest of the way. You will be even MORE unhappy if you step in the SAME puddle on your way home just when your wet foot was starting to be less annoying. Be sure to designate an area in your home for wet and disgusting sneakers.


  1. Alice, you have seriously motivated me, because I seriously did not know how the workouts could get any harder than they've already been! I think the benefit I'm getting ferom the treadmill is that it forces me to run & walk faster. Yesterday I felt like I was dragging, so the fear of falling off the treadmill is good motivation as well, lol! I'm now actually a bit psyched to start w2d1 tomorrow, yay! Sucks about the puddle...ugh

  2. Thanks for this, because I have been having serious doubts about my ability to run for 90 seconds. They are slightly lessened now :)

  3. By the way, I am once again technologically retarded, but have finally realized that I can download the podcast, so I don't have to stream it live. This means, no more losing it, during Saturday's outdoor run. Yay!
