Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Week Four: OUCH

Time to blog while icing my knee (that sounds like I'm frosting it!).

So, good news first. I can "run" for five straight minutes. By run, I mean jog at an exceptionally slow pace, but I still feel totally accomplished. I made it through both three minute runs and both five minute runs and it's only day one. I rule.

Bad news -- good god, the pain. During the running, after the running. It's like every week, a new location aches. Today, I was surprised by pain in my lower calves. I don't want to brag or anything, but even when I'm living my usual totally sedentary, fat-inducing lifestyle, I have crazy muscular calves. No one knows why; perhaps my mother stood in front of the microwave too often while pregnant with me. So this was a cruel blow; I never thought my trusty calves would betray me. And that pain began during, like, the end of the first of four running cycles. So that was good.

On the one hand, it's kind of nice that it is primarily my muscles and not my lungs that are begging me to stop. On the other, my thigh muscles sometimes ache when I press the gas pedal in the car, and this makes me feel like an old, uncoordinated lady.

My next run is planned for New Year's Eve. Wow, I can't wait to limp around in heels and a pretty dress that evening.

p.s. Just to keep you all updated on the weather, it was 23 degrees when I left to run, it's 18 now, and I did not wear my ninja mask so my face is kind of numb. Still snow and ice on the ground (til March/April, I imagine) so I used Yak Trax again.


  1. Congratulations on completing all of the runs right off the bat, Amanda,that's awesome! I have been feeling muscle pains as well, even moreso than joint pain myself, which isn't debilitating, but it does make me feel a bit like a senior citizen from time to time, LOL! I'm planning on starting week 4 on NYE myself, however, I'm not sure if this will be possible, since they are closing the gym @ 3, we are in the middle of a deep freeze here, and I have no "yay" trax! I should get out of work early, so I might make the gym, depending. Otherwise, it's outside on Friday for me! Yay week 4!! You're almost halfway to the end!

  2. I realized that I was 1/2 a run away from the end on the walk home and I laughed in derision. My muscles all feel surprisingly good today (except my butt/upper thigh STILL HURTS when I use my right foot on the gas pedal!). My left knee hurts a little, maybe I will ice it tonight too.

  3. Um, 1/2 a run away from HALFWAY to the end. Haha.
