Saturday, December 19, 2009

Week 2, DONE!

So, this morning when my alarm went off, I nearly threw it against the wall, so that I could stay in my very warm and comfy bed. The first two things on the agenda, were heading to the DMV, and then running outside, I mean, it seemed like a no brainer! Alas, I got my motivation, got my sneakers on, and headed out the door, like a good lil' C25Ker.

For those of you who do not know me, I'd like to point out that I rarely drive anymore. In high school, I was a driving fool, but since I commute on the bus to NYC everyday, when I'm home, my boyfriend is usually the one to do the driving, which is fine by me. So, I'd printed a map to the DMV, because it is a few towns away, and I'd never been there. I felt like I was being tested. When I left I had an hour until the DMV closed, and the gas light was on!! Luckily, after a super ninja last minute turn, I found the place, and was in and out in TWENTY MINUTES! I cannot BELIEVE how fast it was to renew my license! So, after I left, I was off to the nearest park with a trail, but my directions were wrong. I nearly gave up and just went to the gym, but then I remembered my fancy phone has navigation, yay!

So, holy CRAP it is cold today. Any moment we are expecting TONS of snow. It's 27 degrees with a windchill of 14, and man is it windy!  It's a really nice park though, and I saw some really cute dogs there, so that was a nice distraction. Today's run was not too bad, although I really wasn't feeling it until halfway through. I never felt like I was going to throw up or die, and I definitely think the cold distracts from these feelings. I also am SURE that I did not go as fast as when I'm on the treadmill, but I went a more reasonable pace, since I never got a side stitch!

Overall, it was a good workout, and I"m so psyched that I finished week 2!!! Now, onto week 3, which will mean a bit of a weird schedule, because of Christmas, but I plan on doing two workouts while visiting my Mama! Now, I've got to get ready for some baking with a friend, and then off to a Christmas party, if the snow isn't too bad!

1 comment:

  1. I havent really been feeling the runs (haha) until about halfway through. I think maybe that's when the brain chemicals kick in. I am proud of your dedication and navigation!
